Project Location within Country:
Dadu District of Sindh Province
Girl and Boy Students of 69 Government Primary Schools in UC Makhdoom Bilawal, Tehsil/Taluka and District Dadu, Sindh.
Start Date (Month/year): 1st July, 2015 |
Expected Completion Date: 31st December, 2016 |
Name of Senior Staff Involved and Functions Performed
Executive Director, Manager Programs and Manager Finance, MDF
Prepare Project DocumentsDesign Project Implementation Strategy
Capacity building of the field staff
Management of project staff
Monitoring of Project Activities
Develop Project Progress Report
Coordination with District Government, Donors and other concerned stakeholders
Quarterly review meetings with project staff
Description of Project
MDF under the USAID Small Grants Program has focused on Improved Early Grade Reading Outcomes through sharing the piloted booklets, modules and low cost learning resource material with the targeted 69 primary schools consisting of 110 teachers in UC Makhdoom Bilawal, Tehsil/Taluka and District Dadu, Sindh.
MDF along with improving learning strategies will also incorporate parental involvement by building the confidence of children at homes and establishing the trust of parents in schools and teachers. MDF will also focus on child led research activities such as assigning tasks to children to be completed at homes and building their analytical skills that will lead towards their intellectual development in their future. MDF aims to replicate this model of distributing workbooks and modules in primary schools and also building the capacity of teachers to provide quality education through interactive learning practices.
Scope of the Services
Project will be implemented in UC Council Makhdoom Bilawal of Tehsil/District Dadu;
Ensuring required documentary evidences/means of verifications for various project deliverables;
Establishment of various project committees and making them functional;
Bringing on board required staff, both from the USAID cost share as well as from grantee cost share, if applicable;
Arranging project launching event at Dadu;
Signing MOU with Education department Dadu;
Assessing on ground situation through conducting a Baseline Assessment;
Strengthening teachers’ capacity by developing/editing training and assisting manuals for Grade I, II and III;
Organizing 05 events of teacher trainings;
Providing one set of Teaching Aids to 69 targeted schools;
Providing of 06 charts to each student.
Providing Child Led Research Books to students;
Ensuring effective implementation and monitoring through Literacy Coordinators
Each Literacy Coordinator will visit residence of students (04 students/day/LC)
Organizing project closing event at Dadu.
This project is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of MDF and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.